
Meet the Team


Senior Stylist

What makes me unusual: I’m openly Gray!
Most challenging feat I’ve ever accomplished: Raising a family.
A joke that I keep going back to: Sussan and Carly. LOL!!
My top bucket list item: Traveling to the Maldives.
A weakness I’ve improved on: Not being too close minded.



Guest Services

What makes me unusual: I love useless information and I have lots of it.
Most challenging feat I’ve accomplished: Building my own business on the side.
A joke that I keep going back to: What do you call a pig that practices karate? A pork chop.
My top bucket list item: Taking a month and going to Scotland and Ireland.
A weakness I’ve improved on: Its realizing I have weaknesses.


Advanced Stylist

What make me unusual: I am obsessed with true crime: podcasts, books, documentaries and more!
Most challenging feat I’ve accomplished: Working full time while studying for my bachelors degree and being a mother.
A joke I keep going back to: When Miley Cyrus dances nude and licks a hammer its called art but when I do it I get kicked out of Home Depot!
My top bucket list item: Travel to Italy
A weakness I’ve improved on: Taking time for myself and being present in the moment.



What makes me unusual: I am an incredible pickleball player.
Most challenging feat I’ve ever accomplished: Driving and living in a semi truck across the United States.
A joke that I keep going back to: Are you a parking ticket? Because you’ve got fine written all over you!
My top bucket list item:  Raft the entire Grand Canyon.
A weakness I’ve improved on: Asking for help! I used to believe that it was a sign of weakness. Now I see it as a sign of strength and maturity.



Master Stylist

What makes me unusual: The things that make me laugh.
Most challenging feat I’ve accomplished: Swimming in the sea and holding a jellyfish in the sea.
A joke that I keep going back to: My dad died because he couldn’t remember his blood type. He kept insisting “BE POSITIVE!” but it’s just so hard without him.
My top bucket list item: The Highland games in Scotland.
A weakness I’ve improved on: Fear of heights.


Senior Barber/Esthetician/Injections

What makes me unusual: Im left handed and I look much younger than I am!
Most challenging feat I’ve accomplished: I have a bachelors degree in business management and business accounting while being a barber full time. I am dual licensed and I was able to pay for all of my schooling in cash.
A joke you keep going back to: Where do fruits go on vacation? Pear-is
My top bucket list item: I want to live in another country.
A weakness I’ve improved on: Patience. It’s something that has taken me a lot of time to master


Master Barber

What makes you unusual: I like to see how many living things I can keep alive everyday.
The Most challenging feat I have accomplished: Trying to have a farm in the city!
A joke that I keep going back to: I used to run a dating service for chickens but I was struggling to make hens meet.
My top bucket list item: To own a farm and offer outdoor education for special needs people there.
A weakness I have improved on: I tend to take on too much at one time.


Master Barber

What makes you unusual: Ask me weird questions and you’ll see!
Most Challenging feat I’ve accomplished: Motherhood, still navigating this everyday.
A joke that I keep going back to: What do you get when you mix an elephant with a rhino? Hell-if-I-know!
My top bucket list item: Buying a house in Colorado.
A weakness I’ve improved on: Im not so quiet anymore!


Master Stylist

What makes me unusual: I’m not sure where to begin…..
Most challenging feat I’ve accomplished: Battling cancer.
A Joke that I keep going back to: Why do elephants wear red nail polish? So they can hide in strawberry patches! Have you ever seen an elephant in a strawberry patch? No, because that S*&t works!
My top bucket list item: Walk the Camino de Santiago.
A Weakness I’ve improved on: It’s a battle understanding all my weaknesses but I strive to grow all the time.


Master Barber

What makes me unusual: I have heterochromia. My eyes are two different colors
Most challenging feat I’ve accomplished: I was a very shy child but I have succeeded in a very social and outgoing industry for 30 years!
A joke I keep going back to: How do you catch a unique rabbit? Unique up on it!
My top bucket list item: Safari in Africa.
A weakness I’ve improved on: I used to be terrible at procrastinating. Ha!