Choose from our extensive list of grooming services –
haircuts, shaves, hair removal, skin care, and more.
Tribute Barbershop’s haircut prices vary based on Service Provider according to their tenure, growth,
and expertise with Tribute. The price of all services will vary based on the complexity and is at the sole discretion of the Service Provider.
Each service comes with a complimentary beverage (alcoholic or non) T-Shirt to change into (reduce the itches) and a shoe shine. You will also enjoy a hot towel with a custom fragrance, shampoo and scalp massage and a few more little details that you’ll learn about in your service. It’s an experience unlike any other and it’s all included.
1. Stylist/Barber – $45 – First year with Tribute
2. Advanced Stylist/Barber – $50
3. Senior Stylist – $55
4. Master Stylist/Barber – $60-$65